Saturday 18 July 2009


working here is difficult, many people, sometimes they don't understand how others works. they don't understand what is their scope of work. sometimes, i can't blame them, sometimes we didn't define their scope. anyways, we are all happy working here in Bahrain. we still get paid. our claims, although processed quite slowly by the lady master, at least still get paid to us. the food here is just barely tolerable. thank God we can get pork here. if no pork, i would have thought twice about working here. i would like to wish all my friends working here in bahrain and in malaysia all the best. i have had a lot of fun working for and with them. bye for now.


  1. bro, i'm happy to meet you here again. i just hope we can finish this job and go back to bolehland.

  2. I agree 100% the food here sucks. That is why i learn how to make hainan chicken rice and yam rice. Wanna try? Maybe you should wait till i past my beta version first. Then i'll email you.
